Dagmar Fleming

Problems weighing you down? You might need “a goat” to overcome them.

Today, my mom talked to me about many challenges she was experiencing in her life.

Today, my mom talked to me about many challenges she was experiencing in her life.

Surprisingly, it didn’t dampen her spirits.

She told me it was because she remembered a story of a man and his goat.

“What story?” I asked.

“A story about a poor man who had a lot on his plate,” she explained.

This man lived with his wife and many children in a very small house.

His children were always misbehaving, so the man was worried and stressed all the time.

It felt like life couldn’t get any worse.

The desperate man decided to seek advice from the rabbi.

When the rabbi heard how miserable things were for this man, he suggested that he should get a goat.

The poor man was astonished to hear this advice but went home and did as counseled.

The next day, the man ran back to the rabbi.

“What have you done to me, Rabbi?” he cried.

“The goat is destroying my life. It’s kicking and smashing everything in sight.”

“I did what you told me to do but my life is worse now.”

“I have more problems.”

“Not only I have to deal with my children, but I also have to handle the goat.”

The good rabbi listened and responded calmly, “Go home and sell the goat.”

The man was puzzled. The goat was supposed to solve the problem. Why sell it now?

But he followed the rabbi’s advice and got rid of the goat.

Suddenly, the house felt peaceful. Life felt easier.

So the man returned to the rabbi.

“Oh, Rabbi,” he said with a grin, “The goat is gone. I have such a good life now. What a joy!”

When you think you have too much on your plate and you feel you can’t handle it, remember… it could always be worse.

Life could throw in a goat.

Ask yourself: “Are my problems truly as bad as I perceive them to be?”

Once the man got rid of the goat, he felt relieved.

The problems with his troublesome children were still present in his life, but they diminished when compared to the hassle of handling the goat.

Sometimes our perspective on how bad things are going can be changed if we can see these challenges from a different angle.

Perhaps knowing it could be worse will give you a relief, and in that relief, you’ll notice that the obstacles you’re facing are manageable.

And then, instead of despair over what you’re gone through, you’ll be proud of what you’ve overcome.


  • Dagmar Fleming
    Founder, Unlock Your Success
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about the Author:

Dagmar Fleming is a genuine business hybrid - a blend of traditional, straightforward businesswoman, entrepreneur, speaker, energy healer, and intuitive empath. Dagmar cultivated and perfected a proprietary high-growth, life purpose and income generation system she calls the Triple Quantum Reset™ that helps entrepreneurs dissolve emotional and mental blocks to success.

Recent Posts :

Unlocking Exponential Growth: The Quantum Leap Strategy for Business Success

Unleashing Your Inner Magnet: Why Clients Aren’t Flocking to You (Yet)

The Power of Acceptance: A Key Step in Manifesting Your Dreams

Dagmar Fleming

Is your mind a Ford or a Lamborghini?

I was watching The Fast and the Furious movie over the weekend.

I was watching The Fast and the Furious movie over the weekend.

In one of the scenes, a street racer ended up totaling his car, so he salvaged an old, beat up car, put the new and super-fast engine from another car into it, and… won the race.

Because it doesn’t matter how shaggy the car looks on the outside. It’s what’s on the inside – the quality of the engine – that determines how far and how fast you will go.

It’s the same with your mind.

Is your mind a Ford or a Lamborghini?

If it’s slow, inefficient, bogged down with fears, doubt and limiting beliefs, then it’s like trying to win a Formula 1 race towards your goals while driving a Ford Focus.

But if you could provide it with the best engine, optimize it for success, and give it the best fuel to go on – now you’re driving a Lamborghini.

Which one will get you to your life and business goals faster?

Your mindset accounts for 90% of your results.

And guess what – what holds us back the most in life and business are our own limiting beliefs around money.

They act like a governor in a car that says you can only go that fast before the breaks punch in automatically.

They create a hidden money ceiling – a financial set point beyond which we start unconsciously sabotaging our own race to success.

So if you want to upgrade your money mindset from a Ford to a Lamborghini, you’ll have to look under the hood and examine what’s there.

You’ll have to replace some parts.

You’ll need some tuning.

Don’t get stuck in a Ford Focus mind.

Let me help you speed up your results. Lamborghini style.

We’re off to the races!

Dagmar Fleming
– Success Catalyst

P.S. Clearly, I like the speed. My speeding tickets and lawyers agree…

P.P.S. Grab your spot at the TRIPLE YOUR MONEY MINDSET workshop where I’ll help you understand and bust through your money blocks so you can go after the money you want and deserve. Super-sonic fast! Without speeding tickets.

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about the Author:

Dagmar Fleming is a genuine business hybrid - a blend of traditional, straightforward businesswoman, entrepreneur, speaker, energy healer, and intuitive empath. Dagmar cultivated and perfected a proprietary high-growth, life purpose and income generation system she calls the Triple Quantum Reset™ that helps entrepreneurs dissolve emotional and mental blocks to success.

Recent Posts :

Unlocking Exponential Growth: The Quantum Leap Strategy for Business Success

Unleashing Your Inner Magnet: Why Clients Aren’t Flocking to You (Yet)

The Power of Acceptance: A Key Step in Manifesting Your Dreams

Dagmar Fleming

4 Unconscious Reasons You Don’t Deserve Money Now

We all want Benjamins to flow with ease into our lives, so why wouldn’t you deserve the dough?

We all want Benjamins to flow with ease into our lives, so why wouldn’t you deserve the dough?

The answer to this question is as perplexing as your relationship status on Facebook: It’s complicated.

Here are four reasons you think you don’t deserve money, and you unconsciously push it away.

I know this because I have done them all.

Been there, done that, and got a t-shirt to prove it. Twice!

Let’s get you going!

1. You’re not good enough

You’ve tried hard all your life but most likely never got full approval from your parents, teachers, or bosses.

If you got a “B” grade in school, then your dad told you it should have been an “A.”

A girl you really liked in college dated your best friend instead.

Then off you went to build you career but you were passed over a promotion to a colleague who smeared butter on your boss. Shall I go on?

These experiences have made you believe that somehow you’re less than others and rich people are rich because they’re smarter, prettier, better, luckier … and they probably have a better body mass index, too.

By now, you believe you don’t have what it takes to make money, so why bother trying?

2. Money is the root of all evil

Since childhood, you’ve heard all kinds of sayings about money that told you that money was bad.

“Money is the root of all evil.” “Rich people are greedy.”  “You have to work hard for your money,” which, by the way, “doesn’t grow on trees.” Why on Earth would it!? Has anyone asked?

Silly or not, these sayings influenced you.

They have imprinted you with a subconscious belief system that repels money like bug sprays to mosquitoes and elevates poverty to a virtuous status.

Now you’re confused and conflicted about money.

If it’s bad, should you want it?  If you want it, what about children dying of hunger in Africa? You selfish bastard / bitch!

And here’s the grand finale: Who, for Christ’s sake, wants to be evil? Not a big crowd lining up for eternal damnation.

So you do what you must. You run away from money or give it away as fast as you can. In one hand and out the other it goes.

Problem solved – the Heaven’s gate is open to you 24/7. Walk in.

3. You’re hooked on a story of struggle

You mommy and daddy worked hard for their money. You watched with admiration as they provided for you.

Today you want to emulate them.

So you put in countless hours at work to please your boss or work yourself to death as an entrepreneur.

Your struggle is worthy of a trophy and others praise your efforts and dedication. You’re the champ!

Then, one day, you become a tad bit smarter and life gets better.

You get a raise. Clients are pouring in without you lifting a finger. Your second cousin’s thrice removed great grandfather’s uncle kicks the bucket and you inherit loads of money. Who dat? Never mind.

The point is you’re suddenly rolling in dough. Things are looking up. Days seem sunnier and you’re beaming with optimism. You start daydreaming about buying the biggest yacht possible. Even your fat spouse seems to look skinnier and sexier today.

So you do the next best thing …

You sabotage it.

Say what?

Suddenly, your car breaks down and it costs more to fix it than the extra money you got from your raise.

You stop following up with your prospects so they can’t buy your products or services.

Your checking account shrinks like a cheap t-shirt from Walmart.

I know you’re asking: Why would I do that?

It’s simple. Because it was too EASY.

You didn’t earn it with the number one currency – HARDSHIP!

4. You’re not open to receive

You leisurely stroll on the sidewalk when you notice a $10 bill sweetly landed at your feet.

You fearfully look around. Has anyone seen it, too? Who does this money belong to?

Can you pick it up? If so, will others think you’re stealing somebody else’s money?

You’re confused. Is it a trap?

Hesitantly, you pick up the money but you’re uncomfortable. You feel guilty for picking it up.

How could the Universe just drop the money out of the sky for you??

It must be a mistake. What’s the catch?

I realize this isn’t good news for you.  Sad face. But it can be!

Did you know that you’re not a slave to these negative money beliefs?

If you inherited them, you can DISOWN them. You can create a powerful relationship with money so that it flows easily into your life.

~ Dagmar Fleming, Success Catalyst

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about the Author:

Dagmar Fleming is a genuine business hybrid - a blend of traditional, straightforward businesswoman, entrepreneur, speaker, energy healer, and intuitive empath. Dagmar cultivated and perfected a proprietary high-growth, life purpose and income generation system she calls the Triple Quantum Reset™ that helps entrepreneurs dissolve emotional and mental blocks to success.

Recent Posts :

Unlocking Exponential Growth: The Quantum Leap Strategy for Business Success

Unleashing Your Inner Magnet: Why Clients Aren’t Flocking to You (Yet)

The Power of Acceptance: A Key Step in Manifesting Your Dreams

Dagmar Fleming

Are You Comfortable In Your Skin?

Most people aren’t comfortable in their own skin.

Most people aren’t comfortable in their own skin. They’re not comfortable showing who they really are.

We go through life trying to please others.

We’re programmed to belong to a group.

We’re stuck in a tribal consciousness that goes back to cave times when our survival depended on being part of a larger group.

The truth is you’ll never be like anybody else. Your fingerprints are unique and so are you.

Why bother trying to be like anybody else when your entire biology is screaming that you’re different from others?

 Scream when you want to scream. Dance when you want to dance. Be you. That’s enough.

Sing to yourself:

I’m enough.

I’m beautiful as I am.

I’m unique.

I’m extraordinary.

And know that you are.

You’ve incarnated in this life to see through your own eyes, to taste through your own mouth, and to hear through your own ears.

I can’t taste ice cream for you and tell you what it’s like. I can’t offer you the experience of mouthful of flavors melting in your mouth.

You have to reach out for ice cream and taste it for yourself.

You don’t have to explain yourself.

 Your dreams, goals and desires are yours to claim. No explanation or justification needed.

If you want to color your hair purple, do it.

Don’t worry about the judgment of others. They would color their hair too if they were less afraid of not fitting in or not belonging.

We’re so afraid of being shunned and expelled from the tribe, we end up losing our identify in the process.

Since our childhood, we learn to please our parents, schoolmates, bosses, colleagues, partners, neighbors … The list goes on and on.

It gives an illusion of an easier life.

No boats are rocked but is it truly smooth sailing?

It’s time to reclaim who you are.

I’m Dagmar. I’m an entrepreneur. I’m a coach. I’m a psychic. I’m an intuitive empath.  I’m an energy healer. I can feel an energy of a stone, a tree, an animal, and a human.

I’m not weird.

I’m just a SPECIAL EDITION. I love it.

What’s yours?
~ Dagmar Fleming, Success Catalyst

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about the Author:

Dagmar Fleming is a genuine business hybrid - a blend of traditional, straightforward businesswoman, entrepreneur, speaker, energy healer, and intuitive empath. Dagmar cultivated and perfected a proprietary high-growth, life purpose and income generation system she calls the Triple Quantum Reset™ that helps entrepreneurs dissolve emotional and mental blocks to success.

Recent Posts :

Unlocking Exponential Growth: The Quantum Leap Strategy for Business Success

Unleashing Your Inner Magnet: Why Clients Aren’t Flocking to You (Yet)

The Power of Acceptance: A Key Step in Manifesting Your Dreams

Dagmar Fleming

10 Hollywood Mindset Hacks To Boost Your MONEY MOJO

Hollywood might not be what comes to your mind when you think about upping

Hollywood might not be what comes to your mind when you think about upping your money mojo, but let me show you how you can pull some golden nuggets from the movies.

Here are the 10 ways to hack your mind so it attracts money like flies to honey.

Get the popcorn ready.  Lights, camera, action!

  1. Understand your money allergies

 Is money the root of all evil? Why can’t money buy happiness? And why doesn’t it grow on trees?!

Your concept of money can be as shady as Robert DeNiro’s character in Casino, but does it help you increase your income?

Many popular beliefs about money are limiting your ability to attract more wealth into your life.

Take an inventory of your money allergies before you have to pop a Bendryl or two!

RELATED: Are your allergic to money?

  1. Fall in LOVE with money


If your beliefs about money are not supporting your ability to create abundance, it’s time to hit the DELETE button.

Replace these limiting beliefs with empowering statements and positive core values. Fall in love with money!

I’m not advocating for you to turn into a full gangsta like Robert De Niro in Goodfellas, but a bit of love of money and hunger for success will get you from rags to riches.


  1. Be open to RECEIVE


Most people just want to scream “Show me the money!” like Cuba Gooding Jr. in Jerry McGuire but they don’t know how to receive it when it’s right in front of them.

Do you bend down to pick up a penny from a street?

I bet you don’t.

Let me break it down for you: Your knees aren’t an excuse.

The Universe is showing you the money so take it.  Receive it.  Next time, it might throw you a new opportunity that you’ll miss because your “knees are hurting.”

If someone offers you a gift, a discount or an opportunity – say thank you and accept it.


  1. “Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?”


You ain’t Chris Tucker in Rush Hour, but let me ask you: Do you pay attention to what you’re saying?

If you keep telling everyone: “I can’t afford it” or “I don’t have money,” then you won’t have money.

The Universe offers 100% satisfaction guarantee. It’ll make sure your words come true.

If you see and talk about scarcity, you’ll continue to starve.

Instead, see abundance you already have in your life and re-confirm it each day with gratitude.


  1. “Go back and closer you must look.”


The Star Wars guru knew it best. See you must.

Now that you have a more positive mindset about money, look for proof of gifts – all the ways in which the Universe showers you with unexpected money or new sources of income.

Did a sales guy tell you about a special promotion to save an extra 25% off? Did your boss reward you with a free incentive trip? Did your past client unexpectedly re-enroll into another service?

You might not be Yoda yet, but observe and acknowledge how the Universe is responding to your new wealth consciousness.

“May the Force be with you!”


  1. Choose to be rich


It might sound elemental, but do you actually want the money?

“Let me tell you something. There’s no nobility in poverty.

 I’ve been a poor man, and I’ve been a rich man.

 And I choose rich every f^*#ing time.”

Channel your inner Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street to decide you want the money and don’t settle for anything less.


  1. Go after the money


Now that you’ve decided to be rich, don’t be like that guy in Notebook that waits for years to get the woman he wants.

Go after your income goals today. NOW!

What one small step can you take to create an income jump or revenue boost in your business?

Write it down, determine the action step and just DOOWIT!

RELATED: Holy Shift! 3 Essential Steps to Create Massive Jump In Your Income.

  1. Do that thing you do the best


“If you got an area of excellence… you’re the best at something, anything… then rich can be arranged. Rich can come fairly easy.”

Play the game like the master hustler Paul Newman in The Color of Money.

What makes your heart sing? What are you good at?

Monetize your passion and get your hustle on!

  1. Be determined in your Pursuit of Happiness


“Don’t ever let someone tell you, you can’t do something. Not even me.

You got a dream, you got to protect it.

People can’t do something themselves, they want to tell you you can’t do it.

You want something, go get it. Period. All right?”

You might not need to wash the only shirt you have in a sink each day like Will Smith’s character, but do what needs to be done and don’t worry about what anybody else thinks about your dreams.

Set your wealth goals, create an action plan, then stick to it.

Yes, it might mean you’ll have to watch less TV, but the good news is I’ll watch it for you and send you golden nuggests – like these one. Cheeky me.


  1. Become the Slumdog Millionaire


You might not have money yet, but think BIG. Who wants to be a millionaire?

If a street kid from slums in Mumbai can become the biggest quiz show winner in history, so can you.

Here’s how…

The Universe likes to know where the money is going. It’s very efficient like that.

So if you can point a needle in the right direction and have a plan, it’ll shower you with the dough.

Here’s a simple exercise you can do:

Imagine what it would be like to have a million dollars. What would you spend your money on?

Write down how you would use your money.

If you plan to invest in business – would you hire more employees and, if so, how many? What would their responsibilities be?

Be very specific and show the Universe exactly how you will use the funds.

It’s ok to throw in a Porsche or a Bentley into the mix. Why the heck not?!


So there you have it. You’ve cracked the Hollywood code on how to become a money magnet and let the dough roll in.


You can sing now …

“Hey, baby, I got your money. Don’t you worry, I said hey!”

You, Ol’ Dirty Bastard, you!

~ Dagmar Fleming, Success Catalyst


P.S. Are you ready to boost your money mojo?

Join me at the Triple Your Money Mindset workshop where we’ll identify your money blocks and bust through them so you can grow your business and accelerate your income allergy-free… all seasons long.

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about the Author:

Dagmar Fleming is a genuine business hybrid - a blend of traditional, straightforward businesswoman, entrepreneur, speaker, energy healer, and intuitive empath. Dagmar cultivated and perfected a proprietary high-growth, life purpose and income generation system she calls the Triple Quantum Reset™ that helps entrepreneurs dissolve emotional and mental blocks to success.

Recent Posts :

Unlocking Exponential Growth: The Quantum Leap Strategy for Business Success

Unleashing Your Inner Magnet: Why Clients Aren’t Flocking to You (Yet)

The Power of Acceptance: A Key Step in Manifesting Your Dreams

Dagmar Fleming


Perhaps you want to triple your $$$, double the number of your clients

You have a goal: You want an exponential growth in your business. Perhaps you want to triple your $$$, double the number of your clients, or launch new products.

You’ve been working hard towards your goal. You keep pressing on.

But the results are still the same.

What on Earth is going on?

Stop scratching your head (unless it’s dandruff … but I can’t help you there).

I’ll tell you what’s going on.

It’s pure mathematics.

Two plus two will always yield four.

You no longer want just “four” in your life.

You want eight or more.

How do you get that?


Your work, efforts, perspectives, beliefs, and habits produced your “four.”

One of the digits in your equation will have to change if you want different results.

One of the “twos” will have to become three or more. Aha!

Intrigued? Let’s dig in.

Here are your …



  • First, you’ll have to …


Being comfortable got you to where you are today. You repeated the same tasks and got the same results.

RELATED: Are your allergic to money?

Staying at “four” is comfortable and familiar but it’ll keep you stuck there … FOREVER! Uggh.

If you want “eight,” you’ll have to sail out of a safe harbor of your routine and step into an unfamiliar territory.

If you’ve never done video or Facebook Live to reach your prospects because your teeth are crooked or your make up is smudged, here’s news for you:

It’s time to become a best friend with Ms. Uncomfortable.

From now on, she is your BFF (Best Friends Forever). Let her seduce you.

She’s about to initiate a quantum leap in your life if you allow yourself a temporary discomfort of her company.

What’s the worst that can happen? Somebody will laugh at you or judge you? So what? Life goes on and so are you.

It brings me to my second point.

  • You’ll have to …


Different is good. You’ll open yourself to a new perspective, new way of thinking, and new type of action.

You’ll attract new and unusual opportunities.

You’ll get new x new results. New squared.

You tracking with me? Trying to dazzle you with my math skills.

Take one aspect of your business. How have you been handling it?

Let’s say you’ve been communicating with your prospects via Facebook posts. What can you do different to reach your audience? You can start a YouTube channel so your prospects can see you and connect with you on a deeper level. Now, business is starting to boom. Bam!

You have to be willing to start a REVOLUTION IN YOUR LIFE AND BUSINESS, i.e. radical change in how you think, act and operate.

Not a fan? Call me if you need someone to hold your hand through this process. Mr. Fear isn’t that scary. It’s just bad lighting.

RELATED:  2 Words You Must Avoid If You Want To Achieve Your Goals

Anyway, back to your holy shift.

  • Third, you’ll look at your mistakes as stepping stones towards your success.


Your perceived problems, difficulties or failures are simply twists and turns on the road to your desired outcome.

You tried something (went left) but it didn’t go well. Don’t just stand there. Turn around and try to go right. Oops, there’s another wall. No biggie. Try going straight. Ta-dah!

None of these directions are wrong. They are not your failures. They simply teach you the most efficient way to get you where you want to go. Boom!

RELATED: FAILURE OR EXPERTISE? Get off your bum and keep walking!

You’ve also picked up something along the way. You’ve become an expert on where NOT TO GO.

You see the opportunity here? I hope so!

Are you ready for this?

Of course, you are! Go ahead. I challenge you.

Try something new. Become uncomfortable. Keep going despite bumps on the road.

The discomfort, anxiety and fear that you may be experiencing along the way is telling you something important:

You are expanding. You’re experiencing a breakthrough. Holy shift!

-Dagmar Fleming, Success Catalyst

P.S. Are you making the money you want and deserve? If not, join me at TRIPLE YOUR MONEY MINDSET workshop where we’ll identify and release your unconscious money blocks so you can double or triple your income. Now we’re talking!

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about the Author:

Dagmar Fleming is a genuine business hybrid - a blend of traditional, straightforward businesswoman, entrepreneur, speaker, energy healer, and intuitive empath. Dagmar cultivated and perfected a proprietary high-growth, life purpose and income generation system she calls the Triple Quantum Reset™ that helps entrepreneurs dissolve emotional and mental blocks to success.

Recent Posts :

Unlocking Exponential Growth: The Quantum Leap Strategy for Business Success

Unleashing Your Inner Magnet: Why Clients Aren’t Flocking to You (Yet)

The Power of Acceptance: A Key Step in Manifesting Your Dreams

Dagmar Fleming

HOPING FOR MAGIC IN YOUR BUSINESS? Why casting spells might not be enough to get you results.

As I stepped into the new year

As I stepped into the new year, I decided to pick one word that would inspire and guide me into stellar results.

Not that one word can do that, but it creates a frame of mind that can help you push through when it gets tough.

I’m sure by now you’re wondering what the magic word is.

Actually, magic sounds good. But this is not a post about casting spells.

The word I chose was …


Boring, you might think. Next to magic, I might even agree with you.

But here’s why discipline might be what you need right now.


I’m very good at setting intentions.

Intentions allow your brain to gather energies and point them like a laser towards your goals.

Intentions set the wheels in motion and create a powerful momentum that gets you off the ground (and hopefully your bum, too).

Truthfully, it’s like casting a spell.

Once you set your “spell,” i.e. your intention, it’s not the time to sit on a sofa, eat popcorn, and wait for the universe to magically drop the results from a sky like a knight in shining armor.

I’m still waiting for one of those. He ain’t coming.

Discipline is what pushes intention into manifestation.

No knight needed.

Why you need discipline to get where you want to be:

  • Discipline gets you up in the morning and keeps you late at night until you reach your goals.
  • It guides your thoughts, emotions and behaviors.
  • Discipline allows you to conquer self-doubt and procrastination when you think your goals are too big or scary for you.
  • It gives you control over your actions.

I can hear you ask: “If discipline is so magical, how the heck do I get me some?”

Look into your heart.

Sounds cheesy. I know. Hang on. Here’s my point:


Don’t set artificial goals to satisfy others. Align your goals with your true dreams and desires.

When you’re passionate about things you want to create in your life, it’s easy to prioritize your daily actions and habits. You become…


That’s your true magic. Go ahead, unleash it!

You crafty witch, you!

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about the Author:

Dagmar Fleming is a genuine business hybrid - a blend of traditional, straightforward businesswoman, entrepreneur, speaker, energy healer, and intuitive empath. Dagmar cultivated and perfected a proprietary high-growth, life purpose and income generation system she calls the Triple Quantum Reset™ that helps entrepreneurs dissolve emotional and mental blocks to success.

Recent Posts :

Unlocking Exponential Growth: The Quantum Leap Strategy for Business Success

Unleashing Your Inner Magnet: Why Clients Aren’t Flocking to You (Yet)

The Power of Acceptance: A Key Step in Manifesting Your Dreams

Dagmar Fleming

2 WORDS YOU MUST AVOID If You Want To Achieve Your Goals

New Year is in and I bet you have already decided on your resolutions.

New Year is in and I bet you have already decided on your resolutions. Your optimism is at its highest: “I want to get a promotion,” “I want to double my income,” “I wish I could lose 10 pounds this year.” Kudos to you! The problem with wanting and wishing is that it literally keeps you away from the very thing you want to accomplish. You think you say “I want” but what you’re implying is “I don’t have.” Why on Earth you may ask. Hold your horses. I’m about to tell you…

When you say: “I want more clients,” “I wish I could get a raise this year”,” or “I want to get a new job,” you express to your subconscious mind (and the entire Universe) that you don’t have it. It’s beyond your reach and currently unattained. You encode your subconscious, which like IRS is always watching and listening, with lack, scarcity and unavailability. Essentially, you block your manifestation ability by reaffirming the fact that you and your goal are not on the same wagon (I’m rolling with the whole “horses and cart” metaphor here) and therefore not going in the same direction. Have you ever gone to Houston by driving to Chicago? Probably not.

Here’s how you can resolve this directional (and energetic) conflict. Replace “I wish” or “I want” with “I am attracting …” Feel into this phrase: “I am attracting more money every day. I feel new opportunities, clients, and projects flowing effortlessly into my life.” When you use the present tense, e.g. “I am doing, attracting, creating, manifesting …,” you identify with your desire – emotionally, mentally and energetically. You align with abundance, availability and access so you can magnetize these outcomes to you.

Remember the Bible’s quote: “To all who have, more will be given, and they will have more than enough. But everything will be taken away from those who don’t have much.”  When you use a phrase “I am …” you create a powerful synergy between you and your dream. Your horse (i.e. that pesky subconscious mind) is pulling a wagon exactly where you need to go. It hears: “I have a new job,” “I have more money,” “I have more clients.”  There’s resonance between what you’re going after and where you are right now. Guess what happens then? New perspectives, opportunities and synchronicities begin to appear in your life so you can reach your goals with ease. That’s the magic and power of your subconscious mind. Why not get that horse to work for you?

My point is simple: Stop wishing or wanting. Start attracting. Isn’t that more fun? Yeehaw!

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about the Author:

Dagmar Fleming is a genuine business hybrid - a blend of traditional, straightforward businesswoman, entrepreneur, speaker, energy healer, and intuitive empath. Dagmar cultivated and perfected a proprietary high-growth, life purpose and income generation system she calls the Triple Quantum Reset™ that helps entrepreneurs dissolve emotional and mental blocks to success.

Recent Posts :

Unlocking Exponential Growth: The Quantum Leap Strategy for Business Success

Unleashing Your Inner Magnet: Why Clients Aren’t Flocking to You (Yet)

The Power of Acceptance: A Key Step in Manifesting Your Dreams

Dagmar Fleming


How many of you are making all the money you want and deserve?

How many of you are making all the money you want and deserve? In a recent study, 11 out of 10 entrepreneurs said they didn’t…. Laughing yet?

The truth is – perhaps 10% of you are satisfied with your income. The rest – not so much.

If we all want more money, then why on Earth we struggle with getting it? What is it about the money that makes it so darn hard to get?

You’ve heard statements such as Rich people are greedy,” “Money corrupts” or “Money doesn’t buy happiness.“

They seem to be innocent.

Sometimes they’re even funny like when we say: “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”  Why trees, after all? We could be saying “Money doesn’t float on rivers” instead.

My favorite one is “Money is the root of all evil.”  Who on Earth would like to be evil?  It ain’t me, for sure. I’d better stay away from money then. Good Christian and all…

Some of these money statements are supposed to motivate us. My favorite one: “I need to work hard for my money!”

I’m puzzled. Do you mean that if clients and projects come easily to me, then I don’t deserve the money?

Do I need to give it away?

Who will decide how hard is hard enough, so I can keep my money?

I’d like to call for a lenient judge because I like to work EASY for my money.

Most of these money statements become our beliefs around wealth and how much of it we can create, attract and retain.

They’re so deeply encoded in our mind that we’re not even aware of them on a conscious level. That’s where the problem starts.

They’ve been “downloaded” into our subconsciousness by our parents, grandparents, uncles, cousins…. You get the point, right?

Then we’ve got authority figures, society, and religious values (“It’s virtuous to be poor!”).

Essentially, we’ve inadvertently been programmed to stay away from money while the TV commercials keep pounding us daily with advertisements to buy more which means we need more money.

Talking about a dysfunctional relationship with money!

RELATED: 4 Unconscious Reasons you Don’t Deserve Money Now

If you’re not where you want to be with your income, it’s simple: you’re allergic to money!

Examine your perceptions, beliefs and behaviors around money.

 Stop repelling it by calling it evil.

Be in love and appreciation of money.

Start by creating new empowering beliefs, like “Money is abundant and easily available,” Money comes easily to me when I do the work I love” and “I deserve lasting financial success.”

Before you know it, the allergy will be gone, and a new flow of abundance starts flowing in with ease. Now we’re talking!

  • Dagmar Fleming, Success Catalyst

P.S. Are you ready to get rid of your money allergies?

Join me at the Triple Your Money Mindset workshop where we’ll identify your money blocks and bust through them so you can grow your business and accelerate your income allergy-free… all seasons long.

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about the Author:

Dagmar Fleming is a genuine business hybrid - a blend of traditional, straightforward businesswoman, entrepreneur, speaker, energy healer, and intuitive empath. Dagmar cultivated and perfected a proprietary high-growth, life purpose and income generation system she calls the Triple Quantum Reset™ that helps entrepreneurs dissolve emotional and mental blocks to success.

Recent Posts :

Unlocking Exponential Growth: The Quantum Leap Strategy for Business Success

Unleashing Your Inner Magnet: Why Clients Aren’t Flocking to You (Yet)

The Power of Acceptance: A Key Step in Manifesting Your Dreams

Dagmar Fleming

FAILURE OR EXPERTISE? Get off your bum and keep walking!

Most people get hung up on what went wrong.

Most people get hung up on what went wrong. They see the failure of their past attempts and it paralyzes their movement forward. Growing up under the social pressure of success and incessant attempts to satisfy other people’s expectations of you (beginning with your parents) instill deep fears of failure – a subconscious belief that trying and not succeeding is somehow worse than not trying at all. “Lay low, avoid risk and your face will be saved.”

The truth is the most successful people have fallen down on their way to success more times that you can count on. That’s why they’re thriving today. They took every wrong left turn; and when that didn’t work out, they tried every right turn. And if that still didn’t produce the results, they tried to go straight. Eventually they figured out what the right move was. They tested their own theories. I call it the ART OF REDIRECTING.

Let me give you an example. You tried XYZ with your prospects, but you didn’t succeed. What could you learn from that? Perhaps that your clients would respond better to ABC. Why not test that theory?

Let’s say ABC worked out. You gained a valuable experience and new strategy that works. Boom! Keep implementing that.

But what if it didn’t? The ABC campaign flopped instead. I say it’s not a big deal. It sounds like a new lesson and time to redirect again. What did you learn from that? Perhaps you concluded that it would take a combination of X and B to make it work. You decided to test it again. It worked! Congratulations. Now, you’re a success. Just a few minor redirections along the way.

It’s like learning how to walk. How many times did you end up on your bum before you got it right? If falling was a failure, there wouldn’t be any people walking on Earth at this time. We would just be crawling to avoid “failure” of falling down.

Embrace all trials that didn’t immediately produce the results you wanted or expected. They were part of a bigger story called “You The Expert.” See the progress you’ve made. How did you use the knowledge of your trials to plan your next move? What new strategies did you implement?

Your expertise of WHAT TURNS NOT TO TAKE is just as valuable as which ones to pursue. It reminds me of my mother teaching me how to drive for the first time. She would give me all these tips: “Don’t press hard on a break if you’re on the ice if you don’t want the car to slide,” or “Look over your shoulder before your turn or you can hit a blind spot.” I was a bit irritated with all those do’s and dont’s. Then she looked at me and asked: “Why try to reinvent the wheel if others already did? Do you need to repeat my mistakes to become an expert at safe driving?”

My view is IT AIN’T FAILURE IF YOU LEARNED SOMETHING. Embrace your expertise. You might even want to share it with others.

Most importantly – GET OFF YOU BUM AND KEEP WALKING. EVEN IF IT’S WOBBLY AT TIMES. One day you might end up teaching others how to walk based on your “failures.” How do you think I became that smart? 😊

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about the Author:

Dagmar Fleming is a genuine business hybrid - a blend of traditional, straightforward businesswoman, entrepreneur, speaker, energy healer, and intuitive empath. Dagmar cultivated and perfected a proprietary high-growth, life purpose and income generation system she calls the Triple Quantum Reset™ that helps entrepreneurs dissolve emotional and mental blocks to success.

Recent Posts :

Unlocking Exponential Growth: The Quantum Leap Strategy for Business Success

Unleashing Your Inner Magnet: Why Clients Aren’t Flocking to You (Yet)

The Power of Acceptance: A Key Step in Manifesting Your Dreams