Dagmar Fleming

Are You Comfortable with Your Growth?

“I’m not feeling like myself,” said one of my clients after going through my How To Become Limitless Workshop.

“I’m not feeling like myself,” said one of my clients after going through my How To Become Limitless Workshop.

“What does it mean to you that you’re not yourself?” I asked.

“It’s the automatic way I exist. Just going through the motions,” she explained.

“You’re right,” I replied. “That old version of you is dying. It was the 1.0. version that existed before you upgraded your concept of Self and decided to break through your limits.”

“What you are experiencing now is a new way of showing up in the world,” I added.

“It’s different from how you’ve rendered yourself in the past, so it feels foreign to you, but it’s actually an expanded version of you. It shows you the parts of your personality and innate skills that you didn’t even know existed. These aspects of you have always been within you but were buried so deep in your psyche, you never had the opportunity to tap into them.”

My client’s question reminded me of my mother.

She’s the most diplomatic and compassionate person I’ve ever known. As a result, she was often pushed to the side by those who took her good nature for granted.

Once she decided to disconnect from her old identity, she started asserting her needs.

“It’s not like me,” my mom worried. “I’m not comfortable with who I’m becoming.”

“Congratulations,” I replied. “Now you’re finally standing up for yourself. In this new 2.0 version, there’s no room for appeasing others. You are learning to stand in your power. It is the HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS YOU that you have always deserved to be!”

Despite their discomfort, both my client and my mom decided to release what’s always been so they can experience what can be – a shift from a limited to limitless reality.

You may feel lost as you awaken to your power, but it’s only temporary as you disconnect from the old identity and embrace new aspects of yourself.

It’s expected. Here’s why…

When you think about taking a quantum leap in your life and breaking through your limits, the laws of physics are simple.

When an electron jumps out of its existing orbit around the atom’s nucleus, it lands on a brand-new path. Its trajectory is completely different.

It’s called a quantum leap because you can’t achieve new levels remaining who you are now – circling the same concepts of what you can or cannot do.
That version of you has to die.

When Einstein said that we couldn’t solve problems with the same thinking we used when we created them, he was talking about the need to leap into an entirely new awareness to create novel solutions.

To experience your limitless version, you must jump to a new level of being – a new way of showing up in life and business.

You have to tap into resources within you that you had no idea existed.

They were dormant, waiting to be activated so you can create what you want and need.

When you make a quantum leap, the new version of you that emerges will feel unfamiliar. You may feel lost and confused at times.

That’s a good thing!

It means the upgraded version of you – 2.0 is taking hold of your life.

Let it be.

Let it show you what you’re capable of.

You have no idea how far it can take you.

See for yourself.

Are you ready to jump?

Much success,

Dagmar Fleming
Founder, Unlock Your Success

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about the Author:

Dagmar Fleming is a genuine business hybrid - a blend of traditional, straightforward businesswoman, entrepreneur, speaker, energy healer, and intuitive empath. Dagmar cultivated and perfected a proprietary high-growth, life purpose and income generation system she calls the Triple Quantum Reset™ that helps entrepreneurs dissolve emotional and mental blocks to success.